
How we built AI Chatbot Using JavaScript and ChatScript

In this article we would like to talk about our experience of creating an AI chatbot with JavaScript and ChatScript. The main task was to…

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Best practices for building CLI and publishing it to NPM

Introduction CLI stands for the command-line interface. It’s a common way to interact with different processes. Tools with CLI are often used in software development,…

How to Build a Multi-Tenant Notificator with RabbitMQ & NodeJS

Introduction I want to explain the usage of this post in common use cases: case 1: multi tenancy web application which can send pop-up messages…

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Face Blurring with NodeJS and OpenCV:3 Steps to Blur Image

3 Steps to Blur Face with NodeJS and OpenCV: How to Blur Image This reading is about a task which our team had on one…

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5 Steps to Train Word2vec Model with NodeJS

How to Train Word2vec Model With NodeJS in 5 steps: Introduction This will be a really short reading about how to get a working word2vec…

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How to Build a Banner Generation Tool with PhantomJS

Introduction Today we delve into the exciting world of building a powerful banner generation tool using PhantomJS. In this article, we’ll explore the intricacies of…

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