July 5, 2013. WebbyLab company has became a meeting place for Kiev Perl Mongers.
July 5, 2013. WebbyLab company became a meeting place for Kiev Perl Mongers, or Kiev community of Perl-programmers – Leading developers from different companies gathered in our office to share the experience of practical use of Perl and related technologies. Each person had an opportunity to make a presentation. Anton Morozov (WebbyLab) spoke about the strengths and weaknesses of Perl from a business perspective and why it is used in the WebbyLab company projects. Oleg Alistratov (Yandex) spoke about the various ways to optimize data sorting: Orcish Maneuver, Schwartzian transform, Guttman Rosler transform, pragma sort and about their efficiency and applicability in many situations. Nikolay Marjan (PortaOne) spoke about PortaOne development process, daily builds, git, code review, release management etc. We were very excited to meet our guests and to discuss the latest news and share ideas. A comfortable environment for professional networking of interested people and ingenious ideas are created through such meetings.