The first internal conference was held in the WebbyLab office on Saturday, the 18-th of February!
The first internal conference was held in the WebbyLab office on Saturday, the 18-th of February. There were prepared presentations by our co-workers: Alexey Zaslavsky “React Fiber” A new experimental algorithm of constructing and comparing Virtual DOM which will appear in the new version of the React was considered, the basic problems of its current implementation and how React Fiber allows to solve them. Sergey Podgornyy “OAuth and why should it be used?” We talked about the security, discussed the JWT, examined the OAuth and how to integrate it into third-party applications. Alexandr Krykovliuk “Backend caching in Web” The basic caching systems on backend side were considered, how do they work and the approaches of their organization. Memcached and Redis: similarities and differences, pros and cons. Problems which occur while using cache and how to settle them. Pavel Bairov “Testlink tool for conducting the test documentation” It was a report about Testlink, the web application that let you create test documentation, namely test plans and test cases, to assign test executors and track test execution statistics. The atmosphere was remarkable! Almost all of our employees were present at the conference. All the speakers, with no exceptions, prepared an interesting material. The relaxed ambiance was conducive for open-minded conversation and each of the speakers was literally inundated with questions! At the end of the conference there were beer & pizza and a lot of virtual reality!