Home News WebbyLab QA Baseline

WebbyLab QA Baseline

November 12, 2021
1 minute to read

WebbyLab QA Baseline

Proven fact: the popularity of trainings, webinars and the percentage of people who sign up for educational courses increase significantly in the autumn. Probably, since school, we have a mindset to get better, starting in September 🙂 And we at #WebbyLab improve ourselves all year round. Back in the summer, a team of QA specialists led by a supervising PM began work on the QA Baseline – a document that describes the minimum set of knowledge for a QA engineer (from trainee level and above). We tried to fit all the accumulated knowledge, experience, insights and life hacks in one file. For convenience, the information was divided into sections, each of which covers the basic aspects of testing and consists of two subsections:

  • concepts that need to be mastered;
  • practical tasks for self-examination.

Thus, we have a ready-made concentrated knowledge base that can be consulted for any question. We are very grateful to the guys who prepared the QA Baseline. Thank you for your work, engagement and willingness to help young QA specialists in our company become super-professionals even faster.

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