Home Blog Technology How we built AI Chatbot Using JavaScript and ChatScript

How we built AI Chatbot Using JavaScript and ChatScript

November 16, 2022
30 minutes to read

Written by:

Yurii Vlasiuk

Yurii Vlasiuk

Technical Lead at 2Smart

Software developer with almost 6 years of experience, interested in smart-home products and learning new technologies

How do I build an AI chatbot using JavaScript?

To be fair enough, full implementation of AI related logic is implemented on ChatScript, not JavaScript. JavaScript is used in this example just to provide a wrapper which gives access to the CS process socket from the web interface. This gives the ability to interact with bot via common REST API then.

What are the advantages of using JavaScript for building an AI chatbot?

Advantages of using this approach is that you have full flexibility of describing bot behavior if you need a fully custom conversation flow. But Also currently there are a lot of fully implemented APIs which provide already pre-trained bots for most common themes, like Amazon Alexa Skills, Google Assistant Actions, Siri, OpenAI.

How do I test and debug an AI chatbot built with JavaScript?

Again all AI implementation in this example was made with ChatScript language. To debug it easier was to use a console which directly communicates with bot using socket connection and REPL terminal interface. But for testing by other non-developer users of course it was helpful to provide a web-interface implemented with JavaScript using JS-wrapper which attach to bot using tcp socket.

How long can WebbyLab create an AI chatbot for my business?

It depends on business requirements and scope which should be covered. Integration with ready made APIs could take not so long (few months) but developing bot from scratch using such technology as ChatScript could take more time for describing all topics, rules and filling concepts with values. Again in most cases will be enough to use a pre-trained API which already covers most of the requests needed by business, but such technology as ChatScript could give knowledge of how like this APIs are built from inside.

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